The Fall of the Nekross - PicturesBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
The BBC today released a set of pictures from The Fall of the Nekross - next week's penultimate Wizards vs Aliens adventure.

In part one, Benny launches an attack on the Nekross ship. The schoolboy genius uses all the computers on Earth against the aliens, and the starship Zarantulus is stricken. But soon the plan runs out of control, with terrifying consequences for both wizards and aliens alike.

In part two, time is running out for the Nekross, while on Earth the wizards fall apart. Ursula plans radical action against Benny, while Tom realises that the solution might lie with the ancient and mysterious Stones of Burnt Hill. But if helping Benny means saving his enemy, what choice will Tom make?

Written by Gareth Roberts and directed by Joss Agnew, part one will air on Monday 26th November and part two on Tuesday 27th November, both at 5.15pm.

FILTER: - CBBC - Wizards Vs Aliens

Wizards Vs Aliens Series One Final Story Title RevealedBookmark and Share

Thursday, 15 November 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
The final adventure in the first series of CBBC action adventure drama Wizards vs Aliens will be called The Last Day, it was revealed today.

In part one, while the Nekross advance their master plan in secret, Tom is haunted by dreams of his childhood. And when he tries to have a normal life by going on a date with Katie he suddenly sees someone from his past and discovers the impossible has happened. His entire life will never be the same again . . .

In part two, with a powerful new ally by his side, Tom must bring his entire family together with Benny to destroy the Nekross master plan before the whole of Earth is changed forever. But are they strong enough to stop the Nekross? And in order to save the world, how much will Tom have to lose?

Written by Phil Ford and directed by Joss Agnew, part one of the two-part story will air on Monday 3rd December and part two on Tuesday 4th December, both at 5.15pm.

FILTER: - CBBC - Wizards Vs Aliens

Wizards vs Aliens: Friend Or FoeBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 13 November 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
The BBC today released pictures from next week's two-part Wizards vs Aliens adventure Friend Or Foe.

Written by Clayton Hickman, the adventure introduces Ruthie Henshall as Stephanie Gaunt. (NB: Although the release of the story information and photos has been sanctioned by the BBC, clicking on the buttons below will reveal an element of the plot that some fans might prefer not to know before seeing the episodes.)

In part one, Lexi adopts human form and transports to Earth, with one aim – to capture Tom Clarke. But both are unaware that a greater enemy is watching – scheming billionaire Stephanie Gaunt is determined to prove the existence of magic, and nothing can stand in her way.

In part two, with Tom and Lexi held prisoner by Gaunt, the wizards and aliens must learn to work together, but is the alliance doomed to fail? As Benny faces the terror of the Brain Scrape, Gaunt's plans begin to escalate – with magic and Nekross technology combined, she can rule the world!

Episode one will air on CBBC on Monday 19th November and the concluding part will be broadcast on Tuesday 20th November, both at 5.15pm.

FILTER: - CBBC - Wizards Vs Aliens

Wizards vs Aliens: The Fall Of The NekrossBookmark and Share

Saturday, 10 November 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
Episodes 9 and 10 of the CBBC action adventure drama Wizards vs Aliens will collectively form the adventure The Fall of the Nekross.

In part one, Benny launches an attack on the Nekross ship. The schoolboy genius uses all the computers on Earth against the aliens, and the starship Zarantulus is stricken. But soon the plan runs out of control, with terrifying consequences for both wizards and aliens alike.

In part two, time is running out for the Nekross, while on Earth the wizards fall apart. Ursula plans radical action against Benny, while Tom realises that the solution might lie with the ancient and mysterious Stones of Burnt Hill. But if helping Benny means saving his enemy, what choice will Tom make?

Part one of the series' penultimate adventure, written by Gareth Roberts and directed by Joss Agnew, will air on Monday 26th November and part two on Tuesday 27th November, both at 5.15pm.

Pictures from the two episodes will be released by the BBC on Tuesday 20th November.

FILTER: - CBBC - Wizards Vs Aliens

Wizards Vs Aliens: Rebel MagicBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 6 November 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
A gallery of pictures from Rebel Magic - the third adventure in the CBBC series Wizards vs Aliens - has been released by the BBC today. The story introduces the character Jackson Hawke, played by Andy Rush.

Written by Joseph Lidster, Rebel Magic - episodes 5 and 6 of the action adventure show - will air on Monday 12th November and Tuesday 13th November at 5.15pm both days.

In part one, when Tom meets another wizard called Jackson Hawke he can't resist dabbling in dangerous magic. Benny tries to warn him, to no avail, but all three lads are unaware of the Nekross getting closer and closer – and this time, alien Prince Varg is determined to make it personal.

In part two, Tom and Jackson take the fight to the Nekross, but their forbidden Grim Magic is taking its toll on Tom. Only Benny can help his best friend – but he's been enchanted. Tom's dad Michael and gran Ursula fight to reach Tom in time, but dawn is rising, and the final confrontation is about to begin . . .

FILTER: - CBBC - Wizards Vs Aliens

The Nekross King And Randal MoonBookmark and Share

Saturday, 3 November 2012 - Reported by John Bowman
Images depicting The Nekross King and Randal Moon from Dawn of the Nekross - the first story in the new CBBC series Wizards vs Aliens, which aired on Monday and Tuesday this week - have been released by the BBC.

The Nekross King is voiced by Brian Blessed and operated by puppeteer Tim Rose, and Randal Moon is played by Dan Starkey.

Grazlax Attacks - the second adventure, written by Phil Ford who also wrote Dawn of the Nekross - will air on CBBC on Monday 5th November and Tuesday 6th November at 5.15pm each day. Pictures from the third adventure - Rebel Magic, written by Joseph Lidster and to be broadcast on Monday 12th November and Tuesday 13th November - will be released by the BBC this coming Tuesday.

FILTER: - CBBC - Wizards Vs Aliens